Investing yourself

Christmas is coming. Hallelujah! It’s a time for celebration, family, rest and hopefully, spiritual restoration. After a busy term, we probably feel like we need it! But, as well as enjoying time with loved ones, the holidays are also a time to step back, to reflect, and to consider our priorities, particularly as we begin a new year.  

As you reflect on your resolutions for the coming year, let me give you one more question to consider: Who will you invest your life in? 

As we grow older, I suspect we’ll want to consider what kind of legacy we’re leaving behind. For most of us, our legacy will probably not be in the institutions that we’ve established, but in the impact we’ve left on other people. Have we inspired and encouraged them? Have we helped them spiritually? Or have we hindered them?

Most of the time, this will happen passively. As you share your life with others in the church, you’ll naturally rub off on them. For example, if you pursue God wholeheartedly and without compromise, you’ll (almost inevitably) inspire others with your zeal. 

But perhaps the greatest impact we can have is when we're intentional about investing in others. You might call it mentoring, discipleship, or even just intentional spiritual friendship. The times when I've grown the most spiritually have been when someone has taken the initiative to spend time with me personally, helping me to grow. When I first became a Christian, 16 years ago, I benefitted from 1-to-1 discipleship from an Agapé staff worker, Rich. He taught me the fundamentals of following Jesus, how to share my faith, and even how to teach others to do the same. I'll be forever grateful for what he taught me.

Where to start? First, consider who God has placed in your life, who you'd like to help grow. They might be a peer, or someone younger in faith. You might not be that close to them, but it's probably helpful if you see teachability and a desire to grow in them.

Next, go for a drink, and ask them if they'd like to commit to a regular rhythm of meeting (e.g. fortnightly or monthly) for a set period. You might read a Christian book that you've found helpful and reflect on it each time you meet. Or read through a book of the bible. And of course, be intentional about sharing your struggles and joys.

It's not rocket science! But, I think many of the younger folk in our church would love someone older (or wiser) to do this with them! And if you find yourself wanting this kind of input, just ask someone you respect. And if you can't find anyone, email me and we'll help you find someone to walk with you.

Whether you take me up on the suggestion or not, I hope you have some time to rest and personally meet with Jesus over the Christmas holidays, amidst the celebration and feasting!

Notices and events

Winter Clothes Collection

If you have any spare winter clothes (coats, jumpers, gloves, etc), please consider donating them. We're taking a collection to give to the homeless people we know through Webber Street. Drop them off in the container at the back of our Waterloo services or contact Amy.

Christmas Services

Our services will run as usual in the coming weeks, but note that on 29th December, we will have no Holborn service and will meet at 11am & 5pm in Waterloo; then on 5th January we have no Waterloo service, and will meet at 11am & 5pm in Holborn.

Together Sunday

We're gathering our three congregations in one service for our Together Sunday. To celebrate the moment, we’ll have a bring-and-share dinner afterwards. Sunday 12th January, 4.30pm @ Westminster Chapel, SW1E 6BS. No Sunday services in Waterloo or Holborn.