
You are very welcome to come to one of our Sunday services. Please join us for free refreshments, served 15 minutes or so before we begin the service, giving you opportunity to get to know people.

Sceptics welcome

Our Sunday services are open to all. If you are a sceptic or on a spiritual journey, we would hope you feel very welcome to come and wrestle with the claims of Jesus. There is no pressure to participate in any aspect of worship if you are not a Christian – we just want you to feel welcome to come and listen and think these things through for yourself.

Morning or evening?

You are welcome to attend either service. The same sermon is preached at both, but the congregations are made up of different people.

If you have children, the Morning Service (11am) makes more sense, as there are groups running for younger kids. If you’d like to enrol your child or children into a group, please fill out our new child form.

As people are seeking to join Grace, we encourage commitment to one service in order to be more meaningfully part of a community.



Bigger, with provision for kids


Smaller, more intimate vibe

midweek life groups

Meeting in homes across the city



The London Nautical School
61 Stamford Street
London, SE1 9NA


If you are driving, there is street parking available on Hatfields. Please allow an extra ten minutes before service to find parking.


For concerns around Safeguarding or to receive a copy of our Safeguarding Policy please get in touch via email. Safeguarding Coordinators: Kat Miller & Zach Kellett

Open your mouth for the mute,
for the rights of all who are destitute.

– Proverbs 31.8