Grace London's loudest life group?

If one word could summarise Zach, Rebs & Julie's life group, it would be LOUD. These three extroverts lead a young group in north London which, like them, exudes energy and enthusiasm. On any given Wednesday, expect plenty of laughter, Gen Z humour, and raving about the food. Hear more from them below.


Rebs, Zach & Julie

Tell us about yourself.

Zach: I was born in London but moved around England as a kid with my family. I've been at Grace London since September 2019, where I also work as an Operations & Finance Coordinator.

Rebs: I was born in Korea but grew up in Sydney, Australia, with my parents, two siblings (I ofc am the favourite last-child :)), and my cousin. I have been at Grace since I moved to London in 2022, and I love pretty much anything and everything - food, people, walking, you name it.

Julie: I'm also a third-culture kid, born in China, raised in Canada, and have lived in London for the last 8 years. I joined Grace in 2019, and it’s been my core London family ever since. I work as a freelancer in fashion, and my side-quests are food making, food offering and food exploring! I also occasionally host pop-up cafés.

Please tell us a bit about your group.

We currently meet at Julie's flat, and our group has people from all over the globe, with a majority from SE Asia. We meet every Wednesday for a delicious meal cooked by one of our members before studying the Bible together and praying about the passage and for each other's prayer requests.

What's one highlight from the last year?

We had a weekend away together last summer, and it was so encouraging to see the group get on so well. Friendships were deepened, and people who had just joined the group felt like part of the furniture by the end of the trip.


Life group weekend away

What’s your hope for the life group in the year ahead?

Zach: My hope is that we grow in maturity in Jesus. We'd love to see our group get to the stage where everyone is contributing in their unique way, becoming a community like in Acts 2.

Rebs: Similar to Zach, I hope that we all help one another grow in Christ, digging deep into the word, genuinely praying for one another, and reminding each other of the things that are unseen.

Julie: That we become prayer warriors who break barriers. And that the world we pray for knows us not primarily for our knowledge or wisdom but for our love.

How can we pray for you and the group?

Our group has been together for some time now, and we want to continue thanking God for our challenges & growth.

Inward: Please pray for greater love for Jesus and each other. That we love like him and devote ourselves to each other like family in this big and busy city. We want to keep growing within.

Outward: For us to be sent on mission to the nations and into the city. Please pray that our hearts may be present and attuned to the great commission and our personal callings.

Find out more about our life groups here.

Dreaming of Milan

Two Sundays ago, we announced that Jeremy & Jen Moses are hoping to move to Milan later in 2025 to learn language, and, God-willing, plant a church. Jeremy is one of our pastors and has been on staff since 2017. We've caught up with them to find out more. 

Tell us more about your journey towards planting?

Our planting journey began before we even met each other. When we came to faith, each of us had a strong sense of God’s call to take the hope we’d found in Christ to people who had never heard it before. The dream of doing this together was part of our decision to get married! We joined Grace excited to be a part of a church that faithfully and engagingly preached the Gospel to people of many backgrounds in London, but we felt strongly that one day we would go out to take the Gospel to new places. The time never seemed right for us to plant until now. 

Nine years after joining Grace, having grown in pastoral experience, received theological training, developed a greater heart for the Church  - along with an increasing awareness of our flaws - we felt a stirring that the time was right to plant. Wise counsel and prophetic words have seemed to confirm this so we are ready to step out in faith.

What led you to decide to seek to plant in Milan?

Italy was the home of Jeremy’s maternal grandfather and he has always felt a natural affinity for it as a country. As we sought the Lord about where he wanted to send us, we heard a prophetic word from a church leader at an Advance conference that spoke of someone being sent 'from a successful context to what could be considered a barren land that would become a gateway to the nations'. The words immediately resonated deeply with us both, as we have always thought of Italy as a 'barren land' spiritually.

Italy, like much of mainland Europe, has an incredibly sparse number of Gospel-preaching churches and is in much need of hope in Christ. Our thoughts soon turned to Milan as a strategic place to plant a church, given its cultural and economic importance in Italy (and geographical placement at the heart of mainland Europe). As we prayed about this tiny seed of an idea, prophetic words from a variety of contexts, thoughtful insights from trusted Christian friends, and our growing sense of conviction have led us to set our eyes on Milan as the place where we think God is leading us to.

What practical things do you need to put in place?

Our most immediate practical priority is to make a successful visa application. We are preparing our application now and we hope to be approved in the coming months, to be able to move in July this year, God-willing! 

We are also asking God for a team of people to go with us. We’re looking for folk who are willing to uproot their lives and come with us, to plant the gospel, and see God grow a Christ-exalting, spirit-filled community in the centre of Milan. We hope to build a team over the next 18 months, both here (before we go) and in Milan. 

Language is also vital. The whole family has started learning Italian and we need to intensify our language-learning in the coming months. 

How can Grace support you? 

We would really appreciate your prayers. We are saying with Moses “If your presence will not go with me, do not bring us up from here” (Exodus 33:15). We are going with a strong sense of dependence on God, asking that the Lord would glorify his name, and that he would accomplish his purposes through us, in our weakness. 

Please do pray for us (and our family) as we go through this significant transition. Please pray for Grace London, as we're asking the Lord to grow the team here, as Jeremy steps off staff. Please do consider joining our WhatsApp prayer group (link below) where we'll be sharing regular updates. 

And of course, if you'd like to explore joining the team, you can get in touch, and If you know anyone with a heart for Europe, do share what we're doing with them. As ever, we're praying for labourers for the harvest! 

Jeremy & Jen will be hosting a monthly online prayer meeting for Milan. The first one will be on Monday 10th February at 8-9pm. All are welcome to join. 

Bored and addicted to our phones

Less than 20 years after the birth of the iPhone, screens have become the dominant presence in modern life. We work, plan, socialise, read, and entertain ourselves through them. Barely a minute goes by without a pick-up. 

And yet, we’re increasingly aware that too much screen time is harmful. Heightened anxiety from constant doomscrolling. Brain-rot from too much YouTube. Insecurity from perpetual comparison. We’re bored and addicted to our phones.  

We feel like something is wrong. But buying a dumbphone or reducing screen time isn’t enough. What if the problem is deeper? Do we need to understand the roots of our habits?

Behind our restless scrolling is a longing for deep connection. Underneath our influencer-obsession is a search for wisdom. We don’t have a way of dealing with pain, so we distract ourselves with hours of mindless entertainment. What if there’s a better way? 

How do we reimagine what it means to be human in the digital age? Join us as Jeremy explores the roots of our screen habits and considers how the ancient truths of the Christian faith give us a better vision of human flourishing.

Date: Tuesday 4th February
Time: 7.30pm

Price: Free
Location: London Nautical School, SE1 9NA

We would love to see you there and please consider who you could invite. Expect a thought-provoking talk, lots of nibbles, and plenty of time for Q&A. But even if you can't make it, please join us in prayer. Our Salt Live events allow those who would never usually step foot in a church to hear the gospel. Pray that lives will be changed!

Notices and Events


If you call Grace London your home, please consider giving financially to support the work of the church. You can find all the details you'll need on our website here. Please email the finance team if you have any questions (

Pre-service Prayer

Prayer is vital to the church. We pray before each service and ask God to be powerfully at work among the church congregation. Anyone is welcome to join! 9.15am & 4.15pm @ LNS Staff Room | 10.45am @ Holborn crèche area.

Winter clothes collection

If you have any spare winter clothes (coats, jumpers, gloves, etc), please consider donating them. We're taking a collection to give to the homeless people we know through Webber Street. Drop them off in the container at the back of our Waterloo services or contact Amy.

Ending the year well

In four days, 2024 will be over. I don’t know how you feel about that. Maybe a sense of relief in closing a hard and unpleasant chapter. Maybe gratitude for a year that exceeded expectations and brought delight. Maybe even cynicism after a year of setbacks and disappointments. Wherever you find yourself as the curtains close on 2024, I want to share some thoughts on how you might finish it well.

Psalm 77.19–20

New Year’s festivities provide ample opportunity to avoid being alone with our thoughts. We can distract ourselves with meals, movies, board games, live sports and a litany of other options. However, we do ourselves a disservice if we don’t intentionally carve out time to reflect. Scripture shows us that the discipline of remembrance is vital for our joy in God and faithfulness to him. So, why not cast your mind over the past year and write down some things you are grateful to God for? He is worthy of your praise - and giving thanks blesses you even more than it blesses him.

You might think, “This has been a tough year. The last thing I need is to ruin the holidays by dredging up all the painful stuff”. But friend, choosing to remember can also help you savour all the ways God has been good to you despite the pain. As you take stock, you might begin seeing how your heavenly Father has worked amidst the hardship, bringing blessing, refining and sustaining you. Your lament might turn into thanksgiving. But even for those things for which there is no discernible reason to give thanks, remembering still serves a good purpose as it provides an opportunity for a Godward response.

1 Peter 5.6–7

The beauty of reflecting as a Christian is that you are not left helpless, even when you happen upon a hurt that bears the weight of an immovable boulder. No, you have your heavenly Father whose shoulders are broad enough and arms strong enough to lift the heaviest hurt. He calls you to cast your anxieties - alongside every disappointment, sorrow and sin - onto him. He has new mercies for you every new day and every new year.

You need not hide or run from the difficult realities of life, the grief or the areas of persistent failure. You need not throw up your hands in frustration. As you reflect, you can bring everything and anything to him in prayer, whether for the first or thousandth time. Why? Because he cares for you. He really does care. Enough to send his Son into this world of sin to die to rescue you. There is no safer place, no more hopeful place to bring your problems than to your Maker.

Psalm 3.3–4

What now? Processing the past year's joys, sorrows, successes and failures can be mentally and emotionally taxing work, but it is not without reward. Having deposited the year's reflections with God, you can rest. You can enjoy God himself. You can enjoy his good gifts, like family, meals, movies and board games. You can sleep. You can slow down, quieten your mind and approach the new year with a sense of peace, knowing you are not approaching it alone.

My Favourite Reads of 2024

Lonesome Dove by Larry McMurtry. My dad was fanatical about Westerns, and he inflicted many boring ones on me and my brothers. But one exception was the Lonesome Dove miniseries. At six hours long, it’s definitely not everyone’s idea of fun. But I loved it, and the story has lived with me ever since. This year, I finally picked up the (rather large) novel upon which the TV series is based. It was an absolute joy to read. As one pastor friend put it, ‘Best thing on male friendship ever written.’

The Toxic War on Masculinity by Nancy Pearcey. Most of us can sense that not all is okay with men these days. They are seen as both villains and victims, as oppressors and oppressed. Somehow, we’ve arrived at a point where men are despised for their innate strengths, yet also pitied for their besetting weaknesses. This leaves men unsure of how to behave, with no substantial vision for authentic and godly masculinity to fill the void opened up by the relentless critiques. Pearcey’s book is a compelling take on what’s gone wrong with men, from a sister in Christ, that helps inspire men to live up to the Scriptural vision for masculinity. And I think women should read it too.

Five Lies of Our Anti-Christian Age by Rosaria Butterfield. When I read Rosaria’s books, I often sense that she is able to say things that others cannot say. This is partly on account of her background and the radical transformation of her life, from lesbian professor of English at a liberal college to Presbyterian pastor’s wife. It’s also to do with the deep authenticity of her spirituality that combines with her intelligence to make her a force to be reckoned with. This is a book to challenge you at every turn, especially where you find yourself in disagreement. Read at your peril.

The Anxious Generation by Jonathan Haidt. It’s always worth reading Haidt for a refreshing and insightful take on cultural issues. He is a Jewish atheist whose instincts often (but not always) resonate as true. This book delves into the phenomenon of a generation whose mental health has seen a catastrophic and alarming decline. While there are other brilliant authors speaking into these matters (such as Jean Twenge and Cal Newport), Haidt’s book is particularly accessible, persuasive, and interesting. Even though Haidt offers some slightly hollow solutions because of his non-religious perspective, I think his book is a helpful starting point for believers, shedding light on some massive problems. There are obvious benefits to Christians who read this book thoughtfully and reflectively. Prepare to ditch your smartphone and social media accounts on your road to renewed sanity and serenity.

The Man Christ Jesus by Bruce Ware. Nothing is more important for the history of the human race than the incarnation of the Son of God, our Lord Jesus Christ. The fact that God became man changes everything. Everything. This short book is a brilliant and highly accessible explanation of the significance of Jesus being human. If you want to stretch your understanding and learn more about Jesus, this is a book worth reading.

Notices and events

Sunday Services

Our services will run as usual in the coming weeks, but note that on 5th January we have no Waterloo service, and will meet at 11am & 5pm in Holborn.

Winter Clothes Collection

If you have any spare winter clothes (coats, jumpers, gloves, etc), please consider donating them. We're taking a collection to give to the homeless people we know through Webber Street. Drop them off in the container at the back of our Waterloo services or contact Amy.

Together Sunday

We're gathering our three congregations in one service for our Together Sunday. To celebrate the moment, we’ll have a bring-and-share dinner afterwards. Sunday 12th January, 4.30pm @ Westminster Chapel, SW1E 6BS. No Sunday services in Waterloo or Holborn.

Investing yourself

Christmas is coming. Hallelujah! It’s a time for celebration, family, rest and hopefully, spiritual restoration. After a busy term, we probably feel like we need it! But, as well as enjoying time with loved ones, the holidays are also a time to step back, to reflect, and to consider our priorities, particularly as we begin a new year.  

As you reflect on your resolutions for the coming year, let me give you one more question to consider: Who will you invest your life in? 

As we grow older, I suspect we’ll want to consider what kind of legacy we’re leaving behind. For most of us, our legacy will probably not be in the institutions that we’ve established, but in the impact we’ve left on other people. Have we inspired and encouraged them? Have we helped them spiritually? Or have we hindered them?

Most of the time, this will happen passively. As you share your life with others in the church, you’ll naturally rub off on them. For example, if you pursue God wholeheartedly and without compromise, you’ll (almost inevitably) inspire others with your zeal. 

But perhaps the greatest impact we can have is when we're intentional about investing in others. You might call it mentoring, discipleship, or even just intentional spiritual friendship. The times when I've grown the most spiritually have been when someone has taken the initiative to spend time with me personally, helping me to grow. When I first became a Christian, 16 years ago, I benefitted from 1-to-1 discipleship from an Agapé staff worker, Rich. He taught me the fundamentals of following Jesus, how to share my faith, and even how to teach others to do the same. I'll be forever grateful for what he taught me.

Where to start? First, consider who God has placed in your life, who you'd like to help grow. They might be a peer, or someone younger in faith. You might not be that close to them, but it's probably helpful if you see teachability and a desire to grow in them.

Next, go for a drink, and ask them if they'd like to commit to a regular rhythm of meeting (e.g. fortnightly or monthly) for a set period. You might read a Christian book that you've found helpful and reflect on it each time you meet. Or read through a book of the bible. And of course, be intentional about sharing your struggles and joys.

It's not rocket science! But, I think many of the younger folk in our church would love someone older (or wiser) to do this with them! And if you find yourself wanting this kind of input, just ask someone you respect. And if you can't find anyone, email me and we'll help you find someone to walk with you.

Whether you take me up on the suggestion or not, I hope you have some time to rest and personally meet with Jesus over the Christmas holidays, amidst the celebration and feasting!

Notices and events

Winter Clothes Collection

If you have any spare winter clothes (coats, jumpers, gloves, etc), please consider donating them. We're taking a collection to give to the homeless people we know through Webber Street. Drop them off in the container at the back of our Waterloo services or contact Amy.

Christmas Services

Our services will run as usual in the coming weeks, but note that on 29th December, we will have no Holborn service and will meet at 11am & 5pm in Waterloo; then on 5th January we have no Waterloo service, and will meet at 11am & 5pm in Holborn.

Together Sunday

We're gathering our three congregations in one service for our Together Sunday. To celebrate the moment, we’ll have a bring-and-share dinner afterwards. Sunday 12th January, 4.30pm @ Westminster Chapel, SW1E 6BS. No Sunday services in Waterloo or Holborn.

Jemima, David & Tom's reflections

Our Weekend Away may feel like a daunting prospect if you’re new to Grace, but it needn't. It's one of the best opportunities to meet others and build relationships. Some of my best Grace London memories - and indeed friendships - have been forged here.

Jemima, David & Tom came on our Weekend Away last June. It was their first experience, so we asked them to share how they found it.

The Weekend Away was such a highlight of this year! Not only was I challenged and encouraged by the teaching, but it really helped me to feel more part of the church family. I loved having time to strengthen friendships and get to know new people!


Amid the fast pace London, it's easy to forget to slow down and hear God's still small voice. The Weekend Away provided me with a safe opportunity to do that within the warmth of community. I was able to experience God's presence in such a familiar yet refreshing way through alone time, conversations, worship and the Word.


It was captivating having a series of sermons over two days, which gave a narrow and wide lens perspective on the story of Jonah. 

The games evening on Saturday was full of thrills, laughs and entertaining yet impressive performances during various challenges. It was a great (and very joyful) way to bring the church together.


If you'd like to sign up, now is the time! Early bird discount ends (1st March) so book your ticket below.

We're Hiring

We’re in an exciting season of change in the life of our church. As we gather together on Sundays and attend our midweek Life Groups, it may feel like not much has changed recently, particularly if you attend one of our Waterloo services. However, behind-the-scenes at Grace London HQ, there is a growing complexity in how we facilitate church life, especially since we established another congregation in Holborn. Across three congregations in two locations, volunteer teams are growing, more newcomers are coming through the doors and our financial operations are becoming increasingly important as our church family expands.

With this in mind, I’m pleased to say that we have two new vacancies on the staff team; one is for an Operations Coordinator to take charge of operations related to one of our congregations, and the other is for a part-time Finance Officer to run the day-to-day financial operations at Grace London.

You can find out more about both roles below, including details on how to apply. If you’re drawn to either of these roles, then I’d love to hear from you. Or perhaps there’s someone you know that would be interested? In any case, please pray that God will continue to bless us with His wisdom and that the right people come along to strengthen our operational muscle.

Operations Coordinator

This role is one of a team of three Operations Coordinators. Each takes an operational lead for each of our three congregations at Grace London - Waterloo AM (10am), Holborn (11:30am) and Waterloo PM (5pm). The Operations Coordinator takes responsibility for the logistics of a Sunday service, including leading volunteers and organising the various events related to the particular congregation. The role also includes the ongoing administration related to the congregation, such as managing the Welcome process, as well as working with the whole Operations team to deliver church-wide events, such as Upper Room or Church Weekend Away.

View job description.

Finance Officer


The Finance Officer plays an important role in the life of Grace London in ensuring that the church’s finances are well-managed and accurately tracked. There is a variety of regular tasks in the day-to-day finance operations that need to be fulfilled in order to maintain the smooth running of the church and the effective stewardship of our finances. The role sits within a broader Finance Team, largely made up of volunteers, who assist with budgeting, reporting and strategy.

View job description.

We’re also looking for an experienced pastor to join our team. Head to our vacancies page to find out more.

What's happening in December?

Many of us are nailing down Christmas plans. There’s a rush of activity as we coordinate hosting duties and travel arrangements, and fill up our schedules. So, to help you plan well, we wanted to share what’s happening in church life during the festive season. Please note these events in your calendar, as we’d love to see you there and celebrate this time together.


Sunday 1st December, 4pm* & 7pm @ Cheng Kin Ku Building, WC2A 3LJ

Our Christmas celebration is one of the highlights of the year. Join us for carols, a message and plenty of festive treats. Do consider who you could bring along! No need to sign up.

*There will be children's groups at the 4pm service only.

Upper Room

Wednesday 4th December, 7.30pm @ London Nautical School

Upper Room is one of our regular church rhythms. On the first Wednesday of the month, we gather to praise God and intercede for our church and city. We hope to see you for our last Upper Room of 2024.

Webber Street Christmas Meal

Thursday 5th December, 6.30pm

Each month, we support homeless people in Waterloo by providing a meal, a listening ear, and an opportunity to hear the gospel. We’re making our meal in December extra special by cooking a Christmas dinner, baking festive treats, and writing Christmas cards for our guests. Location TBC.

If you’d like to help volunteer on the day, bake or write cards, contact Amy (

December/Jan services

New song out now

Our debut single, ‘Crucible’, is available on all streaming platforms. Over the last two years, this song has morphed from a voice memo idea to a studio-recorded single, and we’re so excited to share it with you.

Artwork by Emily Ikoshi

Crucible was an obvious choice for our first release and was truly a team effort. Cezar, Daniel and I wrote its first iteration in February ‘23. Their lyrical and musical talent helped add verses and a bridge to a simple chorus idea. We then took our first draft to Pete, Nats and Bekah, who added finesse and coherence. Through many collaborative sessions, it became the song we sing today and quickly cemented itself as a firm favourite.

Then came the recording. Riley and I went to the studio earlier this year to lay down the drums. Naomi later recorded piano, and Zoe added the lead vocal. Electric guitar, bass, and backing vocals came later. Eventually, after many listens and second opinions, we sent it to a mixing and mastering engineer.

Finally, we have a finished song to share with you! God has equipped our church with many gifted people - Emily created our cover art too! - and it’s been amazing to see how he’s brought us together to complete the project. He does all this for his glory, and our prayer is that this song will lift your eyes to behold and worship Jesus. We constantly need reminding of his forgiving kindness, and we hope this single, whether streamed on the Tube or in the kitchen, will do just that.

P.S. Head to to find lyrics and chord sheets.

Think FAST

Kafui is committed to making a difference in the lives of young people. Alongside being part of our church family, he's CEO of FAST, a charity dedicated to supporting youth in Battersea. In this conversation, Kafui shares his journey, the mission behind FAST, and how we can support their work. Read on to learn more.

Tell us about yourself.

I am of Ghanaian descent but was born and grew up in North-East London. I joined Grace London in March 2020 after moving to Battersea for work and was blessed to marry Etornam the following September. In June 2023, we welcomed to the world our bundle of joy and very opinionated daughter, Xorlase.

Etornam, Kafui & Xorlase

Please tell us more about FAST.

FAST London is a youth charity based on the Patmore estate that works to support young people aged 10-19. The estate is statistically deprived, and young people have less access to opportunities and are at high risk of all forms of abuse.

We provide three levels of support: 1) open access sessions, including football and cooking,  2) small group interventions and mentoring and 3) ‘keywork’ where we work with parents, social workers and other professionals.

I have been the CEO since 2019 and am responsible for strategy, fundraising, partnerships and governance. I also play a leading role in our Christian youth project.

Afterschool cooking session

What’s the vision behind FAST?

The ultimate goal of FAST is to glorify God in how we approach our work and through the impact we make in our community. Our vision is to create, "a community where young people grow up with a healthy sense of trust, resilience and hope for the future." It consists of four key elements:

Community. We want young people to belong and know they are unconditionally loved regardless of their gifts and shortcomings.

Trusted relationships. We seek to model and facilitate healthy relationships between young people and ourselves (as authority figures), and between peers.

Resilience. We seek to equip young people to deal with life’s challenges.

Hope for the future. We explore what the Christian faith says about life’s big questions. We also encourage young people to work hard and aspire to a better future in their careers and personal relationships.

We want to model Jesus by practically providing for young people whilst also telling them the spiritual truth of the gospel. Another key desire of ours is to provide opportunities for people who are passionate about sharing the gospel an opportunity to serve whether full-time or volunteering.

FAST football training

How can we pray for you and FAST?

Personally, please pray that I grow more in love with God and find complete satisfaction in him. As an extension of this, please also pray for protection over my family.

Secondly, we are blessed to have great relationships with young people and their parents. Please pray for wisdom and boldness to share the gospel, particularly through our Exploring Christianity sessions where there has been real spiritual hunger.

Finally, please pray for partners and finances to further our mission. We have an urgent need to try to raise an extra £150k in the next 18 months and are seeking God’s provision. Please consider becoming a foundational partner and giving monthly to us. 

Praise God for what he’s doing through Kafui and FAST. If you’d like to support FAST financially or through volunteering, please contact them ( They’re looking for volunteers to help deliver their weekly sessions (4-8.30pm) and those with expertise in photography, social media, and fundraising.

More than a meal

As Londoners, we love sharing a good meal, whether hosting a dinner party, meeting for life group, or exploring the hundreds of restaurants that line our streets. Food is always a great way to bring people together from all backgrounds and cultures. But, I wonder how often we consider the command in Luke 14 when Jesus says, “But when you give a feast, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind”  (v13). This kind of hospitality is profoundly counter-cultural.

Over the last 18 months, Grace London has partnered with London City Mission’s homeless ministry in Waterloo, Webber Street. It flows from our passion to practically love our neighbour and share the gospel with our local community. On the first Thursday evening of each month, a team of volunteers hosts a community meal, including a short evangelistic talk.

Here are a few things I’ve learned through this ministry since we began in 2023.

Dignity is powerful.

Jesus shows us the power of dignifying the least, the last, and the lost. Dining with the sick, the sinners, and the outcasts, he demonstrates and calls us to be a community that loves those others overlook.

One of the precious things about Webber Street is the dignity it bestows. Guests leave feeling hopeful and lighter in spirit, having been genuinely listened to and encouraged. Our team of chefs also blesses them with a lavish meal, even as fancy as ‘Coq no vin’! Putting in extra effort is one way to honour and love our guests. 

Three of our volunteers, Paulina, Estera & Lucy

Building relationships is key.

Webber Street does much more than feed people. One guest commented that if he needed food, he could sit outside Tesco and wait for someone to buy him a sandwich. But at Webber Street, he finds not just food but community: a place where he can build genuine relationships and be known. Building a community here displays Christ’s compassion for the marginalised, who often feel ignored and isolated.

As Christians, we recognise the importance of fellowship, and it has been a blessing to build relationships through this ministry. We have had deeper conversations as we've built trust, opening up evangelistic opportunities.


The fields are white for harvest. 

It has been exciting to see fruit from this ministry, and in recent months several guests have shown receptivity to the gospel. Praise God for the way he is softening their hearts and drawing these men and women to himself! By God’s grace, more guests have been attending our Sunday services, and as a church, it is vital that we welcome them with the love of Christ. May God continue to use us as his hands and feet!


Please pray 1) that more guests respond to the gospel, 2) that the Lord expands and uses our volunteer team and 3) that we would be ready to welcome these guests into the church with love, care and sensitivity. 

If you are interested in learning more about this ministry or are keen to get more involved, please attend our Information Session & Lunch on Sunday, 27th October, from 1.30-3.30pm at London Nautical School. The session is open to anyone and will be an opportunity to discuss the ministry, give updates, share encouragements and testimonies, and answer any questions.


P.S. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you’d like to meet up and chat about our Webber Street ministry. Contact me at

Rachel and the Salt Course

Rachel first attended the Salt Course in 2022. Since then, she's become a member of Grace London and a Salt Course facilitator herself. She shared her experience with us and her advice to those considering joining the upcoming course.

(The Salt Course is a space to explore life’s big questions from a Christian perspective. Each week involves dinner, a short talk, and discussion in groups. The next course begins on 29th October, 7.30–9.15pm @ Costa Coffee, SE1 8LP. Sign up


Tell us about yourselves.

I was born and raised in Malaysia and have lived in the UK for seven years. I hadn’t planned to stay for long, but every year, I found myself saying, "Maybe one more year”. And here I am still!

Currently, I’m a physiotherapist working with amputees and prosthetic rehabilitation. I discovered Grace through a friend and attended my first service just before Grace London’s 8th birthday celebration. 

What was your first impression of the Salt Course?

When I first came across the Salt Course, I was not a member of Grace but was intrigued and decided to attend. It was a great opportunity to bring a few friends for whom I was praying. My first impression was free food, passionate leaders and a welcoming atmosphere. 

The sessions challenged me, and I faced questions I hadn't considered before. The experience helped deepen my faith as I conversed with people from many backgrounds and faiths. It felt comfortable, non-judgemental, and a safe space to ask questions.

I’ve also made a few lifelong friends from the Salt Course, one of whom has continued to walk with me as a mentor-like figure and a dear sister in Christ. You never know who you’ll meet!

What would you say to someone considering the course for themselves?

Why not! Sacrificing seven Tuesday evenings may seem like a big commitment, but I’m glad I made room. I made room for new questions, new perspectives and new memories. We all come from individual backgrounds, rationales, and experiences. An environment like the Salt Course doesn’t intend to create division through different perspectives but understanding and a path to truth. Attending both initially and as a facilitator has affirmed that there’s beauty in vulnerability and questions - and at some point, we all need them answered.

Do you have any advice for those considering inviting a friend to the course?

I’m so glad I brought mine. It’s been a privilege to witness how God has moved in their lives and my own. Pray for eyes to see those around you the way Jesus does. Be bold and ask. You’re probably in the best position to do so and are more equipped than you think you are. Even if it ends with a rejection or it’s perhaps not the right time, the seed’s been sown.


Read a Biography

Christian biographies ruin us for the ordinary. They portray extraordinary lives lived for the glory of God and inspire us to do the same. Ultimately, they remind us of God's faithfulness and his power to make much of a life surrendered in obedience to him.

We asked Andrea, our Events and Hospitality Coordinator, to share her latest recommendations.

Chasing the Dragon by Jackie Pullinger. British-born Jackie sailed to Hong Kong with only a few HK dollars and the conviction that God wanted her there. She spent decades engaging with gang members, prostitutes and heroin addicts in the ‘walled city’ of Kowloon, a hotspot for crime and depravity. I loved reading about the friendship Jackie experienced with God; she knew and enjoyed walking closely with him, which sustained her largely solitary service.

The Hidden Smile of God: The Fruit of Affliction in the Lives of John Bunyan, William Cowper, and David Brainerd by John Piper. Bunyan, Cowper and Brainerd shared two things: a writing gift and the experience of long seasons of suffering. Yet Piper believes that God used their afflictions to produce fruit - songs, poems and books - and the stories of their lives to speak of his love. It’s an incredible reminder that “you are a letter from Christ…written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts” (2 Corinthians 3.3).

A Chance to Die: The Life & Legacy of Amy Carmichael by Elizabeth Elliot. Amy Carmichael was a young woman of the 1800s with a love for Jesus and a burden for the lost. Seeking to see the gospel reach all nations, she left her family and comfort and sailed east. Amy’s work on the mission field was marked both by disappointment (Elliot does not colour the facts) and triumph. I was personally challenged by Amy’s commitment to Jesus and his work in the world: with an ‘eye single to the glory of God’, she walked into every day acknowledging her need for him and rejoicing in Calvary.


The Case Against Secularism

We plan our Salt Live events with curious Londoners in mind. Each of these evangelistic speaker events addresses a topical issue and considers how the Christian faith speaks into it. Expect a high-quality talk, lots of drinks and nibbles, a warm atmosphere, and plenty of time for Q&A. Find out about our upcoming Salt Live below.

The Case Against Secularism: Why faith makes sense in the modern age
Tuesday 15th October, 7.30-9.15pm @ London Nautical School

For centuries, secularism has been heralded as humanity’s golden bullet. Society will flourish if we reject religion, so we’ve been told. No more truth, intolerance or control. 

But over recent years, a wave of backlash has formed. Feminist thinkers have slammed secular ethics, cultural Christianity is on the rise, and prominent atheist figures have come to faith. Meanwhile, a ‘meaning crisis’ is quietly brewing as many struggle to find significance in a world emptied of religion and purpose.

Has secularism overpromised? Are we really better off in a society without faith? And how can we find significance for our lives in secularism’s crumbling shadow?

About our speaker:

Glen Scrivener is a regular speaker at universities, churches and other public forums across the UK. He directs Speak Life, a Christian digital media company, and has authored several books, including The Air We Breathe: How We All Came to Believe in Freedom, Kindness, Progress, and Equality. Originally from Australia, he lives in Eastbourne with his wife Emma and their two children.


Pausing to say thank you

It is a little difficult to imagine now how uncertain things felt when our church first began. 

I had to settle my heart that the church plant might fail, whilst at the same time trusting God for his favour. I don’t know what the others felt, but they certainly took a risk in becoming founding members.

Those early Sundays were interesting. A bunch of supportive people showed up for our first-ever meeting in late September, but in the following weeks, it was a little more shaky. We were essentially no bigger than a home group.

Eugene had found the venue and negotiated its use for a mere £10 p/h. Joshua set up the tech (about three cables and a couple of mics). Jenny and Sie made cakes and tried to keep the two kids quiet at the back. Irina printed some bulletins with song lyrics. Dan Tan or Jocelyn led worship (except that one Sunday when they were both away and it fell to me). Danny offered lots of much-needed encouragement whilst getting us registered as a charity. I preached my heart out, making sure my voice reached the second row (there wasn't a third). And we all prayed. That was pretty much it.

But then Annabelle showed up and said she wanted to join. She brought Hannah and Estera and Jamie. Shanice found us too. And so did Chloe, and then James and Tim. We were absolutely flying… as long as everyone showed up at the same time.

I reflect back now and I’m sort of surprised anyone stayed. I’m not sure I would have joined a thing like this. 

But then I’m less surprised when I remember how much fun we had, and how incredibly passionate and enthused everyone was. And most of all, we were really quite certain that God was with us.

And so, early on, we settled it that it was important to mark certain moments to give thanks to God. Nothing is certain except his faithfulness and his goodness. So, we wanted to take our opportunities to pause and say thank you, especially with each year the church grew older.

Now we’re approaching 10 years. A decade. And God has been so faithful and so, so good. I would love for every one of you to join us to celebrate on 4th October as we mark this moment in the life of our church. 

(Photo from Grace London’s first birthday)


How to move house

Starting a new congregation in Holborn has an air of familiarity. We last started a new congregation in 2018 when we began the evening service. Even then, as a much smaller church, we needed more space to welcome newcomers and foster a deep sense of community.

We faced a similar challenge again in 2019 when we outgrew our previous venue and found ourselves regularly squeezing past each other to get to the coffee machine (sound familiar?). We moved both services into a bigger space at the London Nautical School on that occasion. But at both these points in our church’s history, the desire for more people to hear the gospel and experience genuine community meant a shift was needed.

In establishing a new congregation at a new venue, we’re combining two shifts we've previously made. But while there is a familiarity to multiplying again, we recognise it's no small change. There's much to be done, and we need Jesus' guidance and your support as we move ahead with the launch.

There are parallels between what we’re doing in planting a church family into Holborn and what it is like to move house. From experience, there is usually a rapid change of perception from ‘I don’t have that much stuff - how hard can it be?’ to ‘There’s actually a lot to do here… We’re going to need some help’.

When Nats and I moved into our current flat, we called upon an army of willing volunteers to help us with almost everything. Some friends helped to clean our old flat, others provided lunch for everyone, and some put their Tetris skills to good use and packed the van with all our belongings. Even after we moved in, more people helped us paint the walls, put up shelves, and lent us their car for the inevitable IKEA trip. Everyone played a part, and their combined efforts and skills were essential in making the whole thing successful.

In scripture, we see the same pattern. God gives people specific roles to fulfil his purposes. There are countless examples throughout the Bible of individuals and groups of people being raised up by God to serve him and his people.

As we take this step of faith in forming a new community on the other side of the Thames, I want to encourage you to consider what part you can play. Can you help to establish serving teams in the Holborn congregation? Or perhaps strengthen our existing teams in Waterloo? In any case, be encouraged that Jesus is building His church and is inviting you to play a part in whatever capacity you can.


A significant step in the life of our church

This autumn term, we plan to begin a third service on Sundays. This new congregation will meet across the river in Holborn, from 13th October, Lord willing.

The decision to plant another congregation has come after much prayer and discussion among the elders. There is always a temptation to keep things as they are, not least because church life is so rich. Why mess with that?! 

But the gospel is designed to multiply. Paul wrote to the believers in Colossae about ‘the word of the truth, the gospel, which has come to you, as indeed in the whole world it is bearing fruit and increasing—as it also does among you, since the day you heard it and understood the grace of God in truth…’ And Jesus said, ‘The kingdom of heaven is like leaven that a woman took and hid in three measures of flour, till it was all leavened.’

If you’ve ever fermented anything – sourdough starter, kimchi, sauerkraut – you’ll know that the fermenting jar can explode if there isn’t a release valve. The yeast (or leaven) multiplies rapidly, releasing carbon dioxide, and causing the pressure to build. That’s the vivid picture Jesus is using when he talks about this inherent power of the gospel to bubble and ferment with explosive growth.

For quite some time now, we have been facing a significant pressure on space, especially in the morning service. We have felt the need for more capacity, but so far the Lord has not opened the doors to a larger venue. Instead, it seems that the Lord has (quite unexpectedly) provided an opportunity for us to use a suitable venue just north of Waterloo Bridge. This piqued our interest because, around eight years ago, we felt the Lord speak to us about planting a congregation north of the river, and meeting both sides of the Thames. We have not wanted to force this, or cause it to happen prematurely. But now it feels clear that this is the right step for the church. It’s now time to release the pressure and give space for the church to multiply.

Therefore, Sundays at Grace will most likely look like this: 10am Waterloo, 11.30am Holborn, 5pm Waterloo. This is a big change and we’re going to feel the stretch. As we take this big step forward, please continue praying for our church – its health, maturing, and spiritual life. 

Our expectation is that most of you will remain committed to your current congregation, which is ideal. But equally, you may feel led to help start this new congregation in Holborn. If that is the case, we’d like to hear from you and would ask you to fill in the form and then join us on Sunday, 22nd September, at 1.30pm for a meeting to talk and pray this through. 

Update, September 2024

We are pleased to confirm that the Holborn service will be meeting at 11.30am, from 13th October at this address:

The New Academic Building,
The London School of Economics,
54 Lincoln's Inn Fields,
London, WC2A 3LJ


Charl, Kate, and a spiritual family

For many of us, our biological family lives far away. Phone calls, gifts, and occasional visits make the distance bearable, though never painless. We long to embrace, go for a walk, or share a meal with our loved ones. 

While parents and siblings may be distant, we can still enjoy familial relationships here. Forging friendships with spiritual brothers and sisters, young and old, allows us to gain a sense of family - a London family. Our longing to be deeply known and loved can be met through God's people, even in a foreign city.

Charl and Kate know the realities of living far from biological kin and the joy of forming deep friendships in the church. As leaders of one of our
life groups, they tell us about themselves and their vision for nurturing a sense of family in their group.

Charl, Kate, Joshua, Jacob & Rebecca

Please tell us about yourselves.

Kate: I grew up in Grahamstown in South Africa, met Charl at university, and we have been married for ten years. We moved to London eight years ago. I was a teacher and am now a certified child and baby sleep consultant. 

Charl: I grew up in Port Elizabeth, South Africa, where I also studied Quantity Surveying. Kate and I met at the church we were attending and got married in 2013. We have three children: Joshua (5), Jacob (3) and Rebecca (1).

Charl and Kate lead one of our 22 mid-week life groups. Please tell us a bit about your group.

We have 16 people in our life group. We meet at our house in Kennington every Wednesday from 7-9:30 pm, and we love sharing a meal and getting stuck into meaty conversations about the Bible as we study God's word. We also seek to support one another as a spiritual family through life's various trials and tribulations.

Snapshots from the last year

What’s your vision for the life group?

We see our life group as a mini-family within the greater church family. We hope to all grow 1) in our knowledge of God's word, 2) in our knowledge of who God is and 3) in our love for one another as we do life together.

What’s your favourite thing about being a life group leader?

We love seeing our group grow in their knowledge of who God is, demonstrated in how they love and support one another. It’s also been amazing to share our lives with people in the church who we might not have otherwise had the opportunity to know at such a deep level. 

How can we pray for you and the life group?

Please pray for continued growth in our knowledge of Christ and his great love for us. Please also pray that more life groups would be able to open up and have the same opportunity we have had to sow into one another’s lives.

Biblical Creativity

What do the average banker and painter have in common? Probably not much. Their labours are utterly unalike. One works in an office, the other in a studio. One works with numbers, the other with colour. But despite their differences, the Bible bestows dignity on the work of both. The artist is as much a ‘worker' as the financier, and vice versa.

In a world which prizes productivity, this is important to note. Creative work does not make the world go round like money does. We would immediately feel the crushing effects of a financial crisis, but if every artist stopped working tomorrow, it would take longer to notice. However, the consequences would be similarly crushing if only different and more gradual. Life would slowly become less beautiful and vibrant. Culture would grow stale. While creativity doesn't hit productivity goals like other forms of work, it is equally vital.

Creativity is work

The Bible affirms the place of creativity in its opening pages. In Genesis 1, God gives Adam and Eve a mission: “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.” (Genesis 1.28). 

God honours them with the responsibility to 'subdue' the earth, to tame a sinless but uncultivated world. Pre-fall creation was not corrupted, but neither was it finished. God looked at the world with delight - it was ‘good’ - but there was more to be done. Earth’s raw materials existed but remained untamed. So, God called Adam and Eve to create order in this beautiful but wild landscape.

Creating art is one way to subdue the earth. Just as farmers tame creation by ploughing and sowing, artists do so by composing and performing. Their materials are not seed and soil but colour, language and sound. So, like farming, gardening, or banking, creative work is honest work.

Creativity is hard

However, we often imagine creative work simply as musing for hours, waiting for a genius idea to strike. This notion only hinders us from viewing artistry as honest work. However, understanding creativity as a practice of cultivating God’s creation can help us.

As any labourer will tell you, cultivation requires persistent hard work, even in the driving rain. A farmer doesn’t wait for perfect circumstances or a particular emotion to get ploughing. There will be moments of joy and reward, but grit, patience, and endurance are anyways required.

Similarly, creative work is neither easy nor passive but, like any work, requires persistence. Understanding creativity as a form of cultivating shows us we needn’t wait for a stroke of genius. Like the farmer, we must work even when inspiration is lacking and circumstances are suboptimal. As painter Chuck Close said, “Inspiration is for amateurs — the rest of us just show up and get to work.”

Creativity blesses others

Finally, creative work done well demonstrates God’s kindness to others. Beautiful art, music, choreography, and architecture enrich our lives. Artistry nourishes our souls. It is one way God showers his common grace over humanity - and the world cannot do without it.

So, if God has gifted you with artistic talent and creativity, use it to his glory! Follow his command and cultivate the world through your creativity. Doing so may sometimes feel difficult or uninspired, but your labour will make the world more vibrant. Spend your life for the glory of God and the good of others, and start creating.